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HyperSonic7701's Records

Profile | Bio | Ranks (32) | Records | Awards | New Stats (11-25-22) | AntiRecords | Guides | Videos | Forum Profile
Game Level Category Order Desc Division Stat Players Date
Sonic 1 Special Stage 3 Special Sonic 172 60 07-16-12
Sonic 1 Genesis (GBA) Total Special Sonic 813 7 05-13-14
Sonic CD 2011 Special Stage 2 Special Sonic 0:10:18 41 04-04-22
Knuckles Chaotix Special Stage 5 Special Anyone 255 7 01-13-14
Sonic 1 Genesis (GBA) Special Stage 3 Special Sonic 172 7 05-13-14
Sonic 4: Episode II Sky Fortress Boss Score Sonic 112,559 16 11-14-12
Sonic 1 (GG) Bridge 2 Score Sonic 22,600 28 05-10-14
Sonic 4: Episode I Lost Labyrinth 2 Score Super Sonic 166,800 16 09-07-13
Sonic 4: Episode II Death Egg mk II 1 Score Sonic 110,884 16 11-23-12
Sonic 4: Episode II Sylvania Castle 1 Score Super Sonic 120,080 11 01-03-21
Sonic 4: Episode I Casino Street 3 Score Sonic 126,550 22 09-07-13
Sonic CD Quartz Quadrant 3 Score Acts 15,000 31 10-02-13
Sonic 4: Episode I Total Score Sonic 1,795,580 51 01-03-21
Sonic 4: Episode I Splash Hill 3 Score Super Sonic 187,600 17 09-07-13
Sonic 3D Blast Panic Puppet 2 Score Sonic 15,300 30 12-09-14
Sonic 3D Blast Rusty Ruin 2 Score Sonic 50,100 39 12-06-14
Sonic 4: Episode I Splash Hill 2 Score Sonic 109,300 25 09-07-13
Sonic 4: Episode II Sky Fortress 2 Score Super Sonic 170,700 8 11-23-12
Sonic 4: Episode I Mad Gear 2 Score Super Sonic 154,100 13 09-07-13
Sonic CD 2011 Wacky Workbench 3 Score Sonic 14,900 20 10-05-13
Sonic 4: Episode II Sylvania Castle Boss Score Super Sonic 124,528 12 01-03-21
Sonic 4: Episode I Lost Labyrinth Boss Score Sonic 85,900 30 08-31-12
Sonic 3D Blast Diamond Dust 1 Score Sonic 54,000 30 12-15-14
Sonic 4: Episode II Sylvania Castle 2 Score Super Sonic 120,245 9 01-03-21
Sonic 3D Blast Volcano Valley 1 Score Sonic 46,700 30 12-07-14
Sonic Adventure (DX) Final Egg Score Gamma 6,220 125 09-30-11
Sonic 4: Episode I Lost Labyrinth 3 Score Sonic 109,600 18 09-07-13
Sonic 4: Episode II Total Score Total 5,404,017 34 01-03-21
Sonic 4: Episode I Splash Hill Boss Score Sonic 82,200 40 10-06-11
Sonic 4: Episode I Casino Street 3 Score Super Sonic 165,130 14 09-07-13

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Page: 1 | 2 | 3 | 4 | 5 | 6 | 7 | 8 | 9 | 10 | 11 | 12 | 13 | 14 | 15 | 16 | 17 | 18 | 19 | Show All (561)
Player ID: 2622
Hits: 8,399 | Hits This Month: 211 | DB Calls: 19 | Mem Usage: 745.82 KB | Time: 0.15s | Printable

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